A F.U.D.O.S.I. foi formada em 1934 “para proteger as liturgias sagradas, ritos e doutrinas das Ordens iniciáticas tradicionais de serem apropriadas e profanadas por organizações clandestinas”. A F.U.D.O.S.I. não era uma Ordem, mas uma Federação Universal de Ordens e Sociedades esotéricas e autônomas, portanto, um órgão administrativo antes de tudo.

“Algumas pessoas, cujas mentes ainda não receberam luz suficiente, desejam saber por que era necessária uma Federação Universal. As Ordens e Sociedades Iniciáticas que, no seu próprio campo de trabalho, desfrutam da mais absoluta e completa liberdade e perfeita autonomia e independência. A esta questão nós podemos responder que, mais que qualquer outra coisa, está no trabalho iniciático que a maior vigilância é indispensável e que uma disciplina internacional estrita e ativa deve ser exercida.

Nós devemos reconhecer e lamentamos a existência de muitos falsos profetas e vários auto-proclamados iniciados que usam, para propósitos egoístas e tirânicos de dominação, o pretexto da iniciação para explorar as pessoas crédulas e sinceras. Era tempo de advertir o público contra estes falsos líderes e contra doutrinas nocivas que eles ensinaram às almas confiantes.

Em cada país, cada Ordem autêntica e regular conhece seus imitadores e tais falsos profetas. Era necessário vigiar estes movimentos clandestinos, expor estes impostores ou instrumentos ocultos e evitar sua força, em todos os países, onde quer que eles estejam operando, e assim evitar qualquer confusão entre as Ordens regulares e autênticas e as Organizações falsas que são prejudiciais ou que ofereçam ensinamentos que nada têm a ver com a Tradição Universal e o Esoterismo.

E também era necessário que as Ordens autênticas tivessem cuidado ao selecionar os seus membros e oficiais e manter os seus adeptos e estudantes no caminho correto das verdadeiras doutrinas, obrigando-os a seguir uma linha estrita de disciplina, trabalho racional, sincero e consciencioso, para evitar ensinamentos radicais e heterodoxia. Este imenso trabalho que era pretendido e que protegia as Ordens contra os seus inimigos internos e exteriores foi efetuado com sucesso pela F.U.D.O.S.I. e continua ocorrendo.” (Jornal da F.U.D.O.S.I., novembro de 1946)


Saturday, November 05, 2005

Martinist Discussions 1

[[Initiateur Libre/Free Initiator … Explain?]]

The Free Initiator Degree is more properly called a rank or quality of Initiator, where the Unknown Superior Initiator is the highest degree per se in Martinism.

Officers such as Grand Master, Provincial/State Grand Master, Sovereign Grand Master or Supreme Grand Master are administrative titles only imparting no additional grace or supernatural qualities whatsoever. They are an obligation and commitment to serve toward the benefit of aspirants of Enlightenment.

So there is no ritual as such associated with the Free Initiator or S:: I:: IV degree commonly called. The Grand Master grants a certificate in recognition of this authority and that is all. In theory, a ritual could be created to solemnly celebrate this quality and it could be simple or elaborate as desired.

The additional authority that a Free Initiator possesses is the legitimacy to bestow the three Martinist Degrees of Associate, Initiate and Unknown Superior by personal contact, without any group or ceremonial working. A simple ritual is used however. A more elaborate one could be used again only involving the Free Initiator and the candidate.

Additionally a Free Initiator has the authority to initiate directly into the Unknown Superior Degree. This was for purposes of allowing distance members to start their own circles and heptads. An S:: I:: could initiate a candidate into the Associate Degree. Given sufficient candidates, an S:: I:: I:: or higher would visit and perform in group or lodge form the Initiate and subsequently the Unknown Superior Degree.

One is not a full Martinist until completing the third Degree study as an S:: I::. At this completion, a Culmination Ceremony in lodge/group form bestows the quality of Rose-Croix Martinist. This practice descends from Papus. The S:: I:: then and only then is entitled to wear the characteristic S:: I:: collar of white watered silk edged in gold coloured thread. At the collar’s vertex at the chest is suspended the jewel of the Order, the Martinist Pentacle in gold or gold colour plated metal.

While initiation as S:: I:: fulfilled the exigencies of Circle, Heptad and Lodge formation at a distance, direct initiation as Culminated S:: I:: or Rose-Croix Martinist was not performed, because it was not required, but there is no spiritual reason why the full Martinist Transmission cannot be performed in person and at once in such a case. That which legitimizes the part must also warrant the whole.

[[Occultism.....I've discovered, via the internet that some Martinists have been Luciferians and Voodoo practitioners.....what is your take on this?]]

Martinism like other aspects of Esotericism has been mixed with other occult practices by those with a “more is better” mentality and attitude who mix practices together to develop even stronger magic. So Martinism and Voodoo have been mixed but there is nothing in common with each system. The mixing does not impart any greater power. Some Haitians, being Francophones, learn of Martinism through French books and amalgamate it sometimes with Voodoo. But there are variants of Voodoo called Santeria and Candomble that mix with African and Christian religions, as does Voodoo.

Martinism accepts that Jesus Christ has culminated in His sacrifice any need for holocausts. So killing and/or blood letting in so-called magical ceremonies are doctrinally inferior to that of Martinism, and Christianity for that matter. Just because one calls him or her self a “Martinist” does not make it so. It is not a make it up for your self system but is consistent with the thought of L.C. de S.M. , who wrote at length in his Man and His Ministry about the evolution of sacrifice. It is a superb read.

[[Also, what is your opinion on Eliphas Levi.?]]

I and most others only know him as the author of History of Magic, Transcendental Magic and Key to the Mysteries plus a few other books. He was not a member of any group nor founded any. He was a writer, recapitulating occultism like A.E. Waite did in his books Ceremonial Magic and Black Magic and Pacts. The publication of books mad neither Levi nor Waite accomplished magicians.

Hundreds of sincere aspirants have tried magical rituals for centuries with no objective results other than self-delusion as the mind will hallucinate if required for wish fulfillment, especially over a prolonged period.

+ Mike Restivo
Sar Ignatius, I::L::, O.M.& S., R+CMO